Templated packages

Use templates to fine tune build specs

Luet supports the sprig rendering engine template, like helm. It’s being used to interpolate build.yaml and finalize.yaml files before their execution. The following document assumes you are familiar with the helm templating.

The build.yaml and finalize.yaml files are rendered during build time, and it’s possible to use the helm templating syntax inside such files. The definition.yaml file will be used to interpolate templating values available in build.yaml

Given the following definition.yaml:

name: "test"
category: "foo"
version: "1.1"

additional_field: "baz"

A build.yaml can look like the following, and interpolates it’s values during build time:

image: ...

- echo {{.Values.name}} > /package_name
- echo {{.Values.additional_field}} > /extra

Which would be for example automatically rendered by luet like the following:

image: ...

- echo test > /package_name
- echo baz > /extra

This mechanism can be used in collections as well, and each stanza in packages is used to interpolate each single package.

Interpolating globally

It’s possible to interpolate during build phase all the package specs targeted for build with the --values flag, which takes a yaml file of an arbitrary format, if variables are clashing, the yaml supplied in --values takes precedence and overwrite the values of each single definition.yaml file.

Shared templates

Since luet 0.17.5 it is possible to share templates across different packages. All templates blocks found inside the templates folder inside the root luet tree of a repository gets templated and shared across all the packages while rendering each compilation spec of the given tree.

Consider the following:

├── templates
│   └── writefile.yaml
└── test
    ├── build.yaml
    └── collection.yaml


We define here two packages with a collection. They will share the same compilation spec to generate two different packages

- category: "test"
  name: "foo"
  version: "1.0"
- category: "test"
  name: "bar"
  version: "1.0"
Complete source code: https://github.com/mudler/luet/blob/master/tests/fixtures/shared_templates/test/collection.yaml


All the files in the templates folder will get rendered by the template for each package in the tree. We define here a simple block to write out a file from the context which is passed by:

{{ define "writefile" }}
- echo conflict > /foo/{{.}}
Complete source code: https://github.com/mudler/luet/blob/master/tests/fixtures/shared_templates/templates/writefile.yaml


Finally the build spec consumes the template block we declared above, passing by the name of the package:

image: "alpine"
  - mkdir /foo
{{ template "writefile" .Values.name }}
package_dir: /foo
Complete source code: https://github.com/mudler/luet/blob/master/tests/fixtures/shared_templates/test/build.yaml


The finalize.yaml file has access only to the package fields during templating. Extra fields that are present in the definition.yaml file are not accessible during rendering in the finalize.yaml file, but only the package fields (name, version, labels, annotations, …)



Last modified February 5, 2022: redirect (70a4a3c)